Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that offers promising solutions to modernize the traditional systems. It accords\npromising result in crystallizing smart cities, smart homes, smart industries, and smart environment. This article presents the\nsmart waste management architecture for smart cities and efficient routing technique considering least delay for the architecture.\nIn wireless sensor networks, end-to-end delay is one of the important Quality of Services (QoS) parameter to overcome delay in\ndata communication. In this article, we consider end-to-end delay minimization in smart waste management application. The\nterm â??end-to-end delayâ? is defined as the total time taken by a single packet to reach the destination node. The proposed scheme\nconsiders the interference level, the length of the routing path, and the number of hops along the path. The simulation results show\nthat the proposed scheme outperforms current schemes.